Friday, 27 March 2015

cutting, stitching, sticking.

Behind the scenes look of a book I've been working on. It will be very small , 3 inches x 3.5 inches and Japanese stab bound. 

These images are printed on thin cartridge papers. 


Typing text for my handmade books on this lovely pale blue Imperial Typewriter.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Stitching books

Images from 3 books I've been working on. I've been experimenting with stitching within my books. Japanese stab binding is something I'm really interested in at the moment (The middle book is 3 hole stab bound) and definitely want to develop further. 


It's been a busy few weeks. These images are of a mock up for a concertina book I've been working on recently. The book is only about 3 inches high, and 2 inches wide. I love working with really small books. This book has five tiny one inch pockets inside containing folded found photographs and documents printed on thin and delicate papers. I like the interactivity within the book and the way it folds out from something so small and contained.  
It's not a finalised design yet. I want to do some more tests and experimentation with different papers, printing methods and cover options.